
          Radio was invented by a German named Heinrich Hertz in1888. It is a technology that used radio waves to carry out information and sounds. As of the era of old-time radio or Golden Age of Radio, Radio is prominently used and widely known for being the only broadcast medium. Apparently, radio is created with a variety of genres such as radio plays, mystery serials, soap operasquiz showstalent showsvariety hourssituation comedieschildren's shows and cooking shows. Radio nowadays takes many forms including wireless networks and mobile communication. You could actually see radio app in every mobile phone. Radio has shifted to more formal and narrow format of news, talks, sports and music. 

Radio: Then and Now

Ø  Radio’s physical appearance changed time to time. The radio becomes more flexible and varied in different foms and genres. Before, people were too dependent of listening to radio for they know, that those are the only thing for survival and to be infomred. But because of technology and modernization, new inventions were created and more prominent these days. Radio hasn’t died yet, it still pervading everyone’s houses. Especially, the DJ’s are using new techniques to attract attention. Radios are prominent with the adult and even in teenagers. They’re putting their attention to the Radio as they read the 

·                      Television or TV is used for transmitting moving images in monochrome or in color. Televisions before are in black and white. The first semi-mechanical analogue television was shown in London on February 1924, and later moving images in October 1925. The color television came in 1954. Digital television transition started in late 2000s. And as of now, Digital televisions allowed innovations like smart TV. It’s a television with integrated internet. 3D Television, Cable Television, Internet Television and Satellite Television were also invented. There are also types of television that use LCD display technology to produce images. Televisions nowadays are in high definition at the maximum of 4320p.

Television; Then and Now

Ø  As you can see, televisions changed not only their physical appearance but also the content. However, more broadcasting, more news, more teleserye and so on. Most of the teleserye they presented are realistic and varied on customers’ preferences. People before were watching televisions to be informed of the current issues or to be entertained. However, because of the arrival of technology, they become dependent to gadgets and new media.  But still, televisions are something won’t be missing in our home.

Advertising Media

                               Before, people were usually using posters or flyers to advertise, give warnings, for safety road purposes and so on.  In late 15th century, Flyposting was widely practiced throughout Europe. In 1796. Lithography was used, a method of printing using oil and water to produce an image. The circuses were one of the businesses to profit from the new form of mass marketing. The earliest use of the billboard by the circuses dates back to 1835. Billboards became a feature in advertising as early as the mid 1860’s, and over the past hundred and fifty years have become a popular and effective form of outdoor advertising. Some billboards nowadays use solar powered light and LED to make the billboards visible at night. Billboards can also advertise moving objects and short clips due to influence of technology. Some used speed camera for the object’s movement. Billboards and posters before were placed along the roads but now can be seen posted in buildings. 

Advertising Media: Then and Now

Ø  The posters arrived at using of plain black and white but immediately changed and instead, they used basic colors for advertisement. Until, billboards made their way, however, they are not attractive enough to get an attention. Billboards before contained basic colors and seemed like a cartoon. But realistic figures were applied that made the billboards more prominent these days. Billboards most often contain LED for transitions and effects.

·                Media tackles about the communication outlets or tools that store and deliver information. Music is one of the tools that delivers information through the language, lyrics, and even the melody and the title that will surely affect society. Before, simply yawning, whistling, or anything that uses voice to produce sound considered as a music. As the primitive music entered, many various forms and genres of music were also invented. As years goes by, there are innovations in music and many genres were added. There’s rock which is not actually used years ago. Sad songs and maybe romance songs were the usually genre of music. Anything that deals the norms in life. And actually, it was more in love songs and about experiences. Nowadays, music contained violence, foul words, criticisms and hatred which are not usually used before. There’s also addition of materials to produce a music. In 20th century, percussion instruments and noisemakers were prominently used. As of now, Korean songs are dominating many countries. OPM is often also listened by people. But the majority listen at music that their country didn’t own and produce. 
Music: Then and Now

Ø  Music will always be relevant to us. Before, more than 3 producers and writers worked together for the album, but nowadays, it takes only one person to write all the songs. The lyrics before had a repeating sequence and actually, most of the lyrics were short. Almost no metrical measurement and rhythm. No deeper meaning and totally direct. Yet has a tone that can attract attention easily. However, it evolves into more challenging wherein there are use of figurative languages and literary devices for the lyrics. We now have, different tone, melody and techniques for the delivery. The music before is still in the history and prominent even how many years had passed. Still relevant and a guideline for the singer-song writers. There are still people who are into classical and medieval music and still learning to produce one. 

·                     Movies (films) are the oldest form of motion picture technology capable of capturing lifelike video-style images. Originally, movies could only be consumed at a neighborhood movie theater, but these days movies are widely available for people to consume in their homes, on their computers, and even in through their telephones. The quality of every movie gone higher and featured in high definition. Movies usually deal with the everyday lives of people and may tackle about the experiences. It could teach someone and learn from the experiences being played. The common genre of movies is romance. It may end in tragic or in happy way. Nowadays, there are various types of genre. Action, fantasy, non-fiction, comedy, fiction and historical are prominent these days. Usually, movies are varied depending on the viewers. Cartoons are for the children, teenagers are usually fond of romance and fantasy while adults, are likely fond of action and something that is inappropriate for a child to watch. 
Movies: Then and Now

Ø  Way back 80’s, violence could be funny, and cursing is not a taboo of a subject. Most of the films become more liberated. Some promotes drugs and sex. One of the reasons behind this is the changing ways of censorship and views on what is or isn't acceptable. Films pervaded world with different genre. Before, the scenes were in black and white but now, it contains different colors to attract attentions. However, films become more realistic and depicts everyday life. Still giving lessons and entertainment.

Video Games
·                          Video games were known since 1980’s. Its popularity had grown and reached the interests of youth. Video Games nowadays, make use of advanced graphics and processors to enable three-dimensional game play featuring highly realistic landscapes and physics simulations, and the ability to compete against other players through a network connection. Through video games, children are able to prolong their dream and pretend play as a soldier, athlete, race drivers and anything that they wanted to be someday. Being in character makes them to experience what’s the feeling of being someone. 


Video Games: Then and Now

Ø  The evolution of technology has allowed designers and developers to be more creative and realistic with their games, and we’re only going to see more of these ‘cinematic’ video games released in the future.
Ø  The next step, already in development, is virtual reality gaming. The recent purchase of Oculus VR by Facebook has again brought this real possibility back into the public eye, and gamers everywhere will be waiting for the first good virtual reality experience.
Ø  The video games before have low definition even its graphics and visual details. If you’re going to compare the old games with the recent games, they are totally different. Modern games have advanced both mechanically and in design. Those are well defined, highly detailed and almost realistic.

Digital Media/Mobile Phones
·                       Modern mobile or cell phones are more than simple telephones. Instead, they are multimedia communications devices. Through cellphone, you will be able to inform someone. Cellphones before simply used to store and deliver information. Mobile Phones nowadays contained different apps where magazines and newspapers can be seen online. You could listen to radio and watch televisions. You can also send MMS or photo messaging. Many phones feature digital cameras, programmable ring-tones, Internet and email access, and music and video players as well. Some phones required internet for the owner to have the access on such apps. Internet can be in one-way and two-way communications. But usually, people used mobile phones and internet in one-way communication. 

Mobile Phone: Then and Now
·                       We can see the changes that the media have gone through. From direct communication and inaccurate sources until we reached the generation of millennials where technology is something we live in. Media before are lifeless and just part of our lives. But right now, our lives revolve in media, and it plays a big role. Too colorful that it blinds people.


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